Can You Plant Flowers After Using Preen? Let’s find out!

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As we move into the spring season, gardeners everywhere are eager to get their hands dirty and start planting. But before they do, many wonder if they can still plant flowers after using preen. Preen is a popular pre-emergent weed killer that many gardeners rely on to keep their gardens weed-free. But does it have an impact on the flowers you want to plant? The short answer is: it depends.

Preen Garden Weed Preventer, 5.625 lb. Covers 900 sq. ft
  • Use anytime during the spring, summer, or fall in flower and ornamental garden beds, around ground covers, trees, and shrubs
  • It prevents weeds and feeds plants in one easy step
  • Balanced fertilizer promotes abundant blooms, increased yields and strong root development
  • Safe for use around over 200 established flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs
  • One application feeds your plants and prevents weeds for up to three months

What is Preen good for?

Let’s start with the basics. Preen is a weed preventer that works by creating a barrier on the soil’s surface, preventing weed seeds from germinating. It’s commonly used to control weeds in flower beds, vegetable gardens, and other landscaped areas. The active ingredient in preen is trifluralin, which is a selective herbicide that targets annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.

 can you plant flowers after using Preen?

The answer is yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that preen is not a post-emergent weed killer. This means that it won’t kill weeds that have already started to grow. Instead, it’s a preventative measure that needs to be applied before weed seeds start to germinate. If you apply preen after the flowers have started to grow, it won’t have any effect on them.

Secondly, preen can have an impact on the flowers you want to plant. Because it creates a barrier on the soil’s surface, it can also prevent flower seeds from germinating. This is especially true for flowers that are seeded directly into the soil, like poppies or zinnias. If you’re planning to plant these types of flowers, it’s best to wait a few weeks after applying preen to allow the soil to settle before planting.

Preen Garden Weed Preventer, 5.625 lb. Covers 900 sq. ft
  • Use anytime during the spring, summer, or fall in flower and ornamental garden beds, around ground covers, trees, and shrubs
  • It prevents weeds and feeds plants in one easy step
  • Balanced fertilizer promotes abundant blooms, increased yields and strong root development
  • Safe for use around over 200 established flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs
  • One application feeds your plants and prevents weeds for up to three months

If you’re planting flowers that come in pots or containers, you don’t have to worry about preen affecting them. The barrier created by preen only affects seeds that are in direct contact with the soil.

When should you apply Preen?

Now, let’s talk about timing. When you apply preen, it’s important to do it at the right time. Ideally, you want to apply preen before weed seeds start to germinate, which is typically in early spring. If you wait too long to apply preen, it won’t be as effective at preventing weeds. On the other hand, if you apply it too early, it may break down before the weeds start to germinate. The best time to apply preen is when the soil temperature is around 50°F, which is when weed seeds start to germinate.

Once you’ve applied preen, it’s important to water it in thoroughly. This will help activate the product and ensure that it creates a barrier on the soil’s surface. If you don’t water it in, preen may not be as effective at preventing weeds.

can you plant flowers after using preen

How long does it last?

Another thing to keep in mind is that preen doesn’t last forever. It typically provides weed control for up to three months, so you’ll need to reapply it throughout the growing season. It’s also important to note that preen is not a silver bullet. While it can help prevent weeds, it won’t completely eliminate them. You may still need to do some hand weeding throughout the growing season.

In summary, yes, you can plant flowers after using preen. But there are a few things to keep in mind. If you’re planting flowers that are seeded directly into the soil, it’s best to wait a few weeks after applying preen to allow the soil to settle before planting. If you’re planting flowers in pots or containers, you don’t have to worry about preen affecting them. Timing is also important when it comes to applying preen.

You want to apply it before weed seeds start to germinate, typically in early spring when the soil temperature is around 50°F. And don’t forget to water it in thoroughly to activate the product.

Preen Garden Weed Preventer, 5.625 lb. Covers 900 sq. ft
  • Use anytime during the spring, summer, or fall in flower and ornamental garden beds, around ground covers, trees, and shrubs
  • It prevents weeds and feeds plants in one easy step
  • Balanced fertilizer promotes abundant blooms, increased yields and strong root development
  • Safe for use around over 200 established flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs
  • One application feeds your plants and prevents weeds for up to three months

Preen’s effect on pollinators

Now, let’s talk about the impact preen can have on pollinators. As gardeners, we know how important it is to attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to our gardens. These creatures are essential for the health and vitality of our plants. So, does preen have any impact on them?

According to the manufacturer, preen is safe for pollinators when used as directed. This means applying it only to the soil’s surface and not allowing it to come into contact with flowers, leaves, or stems. However, some gardeners have reported seeing a decrease in pollinators in their gardens after using preen. While there isn’t conclusive evidence to suggest that preen is harmful to pollinators, it’s always a good idea to be cautious and use products like preen sparingly.

If you’re concerned about the impact preen may have on pollinators, there are alternative methods of weed control you can try. One popular option is using organic mulch, such as shredded leaves or straw, to prevent weeds from growing. Another option is hand weeding, which can be time-consuming but is effective at removing weeds without the use of chemicals.


In conclusion, preen can be a useful tool for preventing weeds in your garden, but it’s important to use it properly and understand its limitations. You can still plant flowers after using preen, but it’s best to wait a few weeks before planting seeds directly into the soil. And if you’re concerned about the impact preen may have on pollinators, there are alternative methods of weed control you can try.

In the end, the decision to use preen or not is up to you. But with a little bit of knowledge and some careful consideration, you can create a beautiful, weed-free garden that’s also safe for pollinators. So go ahead and get your hands dirty – it’s time to start planting!

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After doing my master’s in agriculture, I went on with this field for more than 15 years because I love working in green. I have experienced using modern machinery and techniques that can help farmers and landscapers to achieve something great. My goal will be to deliver you the best reviews and information to make the right decision.

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